EK Sparks
Tentative Syllabus for Virginia Woolf Seminar
Fall 2010
1. Th, Aug 19 : Course Intro
2. T, Aug 24: Resources, References, Libraries, Journals, etc. Biographical PPT.
3. Th, Aug 26: “A Sketch of the Past” (1939) (VWR)
4. T, Aug 31: “The Mark on the Wall” (1917) (VWR)
5. Th, Sep 2: “Kew Gardens” (1919) (VWR)
6. T, Sep 7: Jacob’s Room (1922)
7. Th, Sep 9: Jacob’s Room
8. T, Sep 14: Early Essays: “Modern Fiction” (1919; 1925) (VWR), “Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” (1923) (VWR); “Lives of the Obscure: Miss Ormerod” (1924); “On Not Knowing Greek “(1925) (VWR) ; “Jane Austen” (1925) (VWR)
9. Th, Sep 16: T, Sep 21: Mrs. Dalloway (1925)
10. Th, Sep 23: Mrs Dalloway
11. T, Sep 28: To the Lighthouse (1927)
12. Th, Sep 30: To the Lighthouse
13. T, Oct 5: To the Lighthouse
14. Th, Oct 7: Orlando (1928)
15. T, Oct 12: Orlando
16. Th, Oct 14: Middle Essays: “How Should One Read a Book?” (1926) (VWR); “Street Haunting” (1927) (VWR); “On Being Ill” (1930) (VWR); “Memories of a Working Women’s Guild” (1930); “Professions for Women” (1931) (VWR)
17. T, Oct 19: A Room on One’s Own (1929)
18. Th, Oct 21: A Room of One’s Own
19. T, Oct 26: The Waves (1931)
20. Th, Oct 28: The Waves
21. Th, Nov 4: The Waves
22. T, Nov 9: Late Short Stories and Essays: “Walter Sickert: A Conversation” (1934); “Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid” (1941); “Death of the Moth” (p.h.)
23. Th, Nov 11: Three Guineas (1938)
24. T, Nov 16: Three Guineas
25. Th, Nov 18: Between the Acts (1941)
26. T, Nov 23: Between the Acts
27. T, Nov 30: Late Short Stories: “Lappin and Lappinova” (1938) (VWR); “The Searchlight” (1929,39,p.h.); “The Legacy” (1940)
28. Th, Dec 2: Wrap-up
WOOLF MINI-CONFERENCE: Students present final projects during scheduled exam time
Intended primary for my Creative Inquiry on Woolf and Place (2012-2013)
and my capstone seminar on Virginia Woolf (Fall 2010),
this blog also contains an account of our Woolf trip in May 2012
as well as posts about flowers and gardens in the life and work of Virginia Woolf.
*Photo of Monk's House Garden taken from door of Woolf's bedroom*
and my capstone seminar on Virginia Woolf (Fall 2010),
this blog also contains an account of our Woolf trip in May 2012
as well as posts about flowers and gardens in the life and work of Virginia Woolf.
*Photo of Monk's House Garden taken from door of Woolf's bedroom*
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
BOOKS FOR WOOLF SEMINAR (prices off amazon.com)
· The Virginia Woolf Reader (Paperback) Mitchell A Leaska (Editor) Mariner Books ISBN-10: 0156935902 $14.53
· Jacob's Room (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed. Vara Neverow) ISBN-10: 0156034794. $12.75
· Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway (Harcourt; Mariner. New, Annotated Edition, ed. Bonnie Kime Scott) ISBN-10: 0156030357 $10.20
· Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. (Harcourt; Mariner.. New Annotated Version. Ed. Mark Hussey) ISBN-10: 0156030470 $10.50
· Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own. (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated version, ed. Susan Gubar) ISBN-10: 0156030411 $10.20
· Virginia Woolf, Orlando (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed.Maria DiBattissta) $10.20 ISBN-10: 0156031515
· The Waves (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed.Molly Hite )$10.20ISBN-10: 0156031574
· Three Guineas (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed., ed. Jane Marcus) $10.55 ISBN-10: 0156031639
· Between the Acts (Harcourt, New Annotated version. Ed. Melba Cuddy-Keane) ISBN-10: 0156034735 $10.20
Goldman, Jane. The Cambridge Introduction to Virginia Woolf . Cambridge University Press (October 9, 2006)
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Vintage (October 5, 1999) ISBN-10: 0375701362 $14.96
Virginia Woolf A to Z: A Comprehensive Reference for Students, Teachers, and Common Readers to Her Life, Work, and Critical Reception (Literary a to Z's) by Mark Hussey (Paperback - Nov. 21, 1996) 25 used from $4.00
· The Virginia Woolf Reader (Paperback) Mitchell A Leaska (Editor) Mariner Books ISBN-10: 0156935902 $14.53
· Jacob's Room (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed. Vara Neverow) ISBN-10: 0156034794. $12.75
· Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway (Harcourt; Mariner. New, Annotated Edition, ed. Bonnie Kime Scott) ISBN-10: 0156030357 $10.20
· Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. (Harcourt; Mariner.. New Annotated Version. Ed. Mark Hussey) ISBN-10: 0156030470 $10.50
· Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own. (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated version, ed. Susan Gubar) ISBN-10: 0156030411 $10.20
· Virginia Woolf, Orlando (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed.Maria DiBattissta) $10.20 ISBN-10: 0156031515
· The Waves (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed.Molly Hite )$10.20ISBN-10: 0156031574
· Three Guineas (Harcourt; Mariner. New Annotated edition, ed., ed. Jane Marcus) $10.55 ISBN-10: 0156031639
· Between the Acts (Harcourt, New Annotated version. Ed. Melba Cuddy-Keane) ISBN-10: 0156034735 $10.20
Goldman, Jane. The Cambridge Introduction to Virginia Woolf . Cambridge University Press (October 9, 2006)
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Vintage (October 5, 1999) ISBN-10: 0375701362 $14.96
Virginia Woolf A to Z: A Comprehensive Reference for Students, Teachers, and Common Readers to Her Life, Work, and Critical Reception (Literary a to Z's) by Mark Hussey (Paperback - Nov. 21, 1996) 25 used from $4.00
Letter to Class 5/5/10
Dear member of the Woolf-pack—
You’ve signed up for the senior capstone seminar on Virginia Woolf in the Fall. I am writing you to tell you a little bit about the class, so you can –if you want; this isn’t a requirement—get a bit of a head start over the summer.
Attached you’ll find a tentative syllabus. I am pretty sure about all the books we are reading. I’m also attaching a list of preferred editions for the class. I know a lot of you may already have copies of some of Woolf’s work and it’s okay to use those, but I’d really rather, whenever

We are reading a total of eight books by Woolf, six novels and two book-length essays, all of which are available in this annotated format. In addition we will be reading a selection of other essays and short stories. The majority of these are conveniently collected in The Virginia Woolf Reader, ed. by Leaska, which you really do need to buy. (On the syllabus, the stuff highlighted in yellow is what is not in Leaska, which I need to remember to find on-line or post on BB)
If you would like a really good, genial Introduction to Virginia Woolf, I’d really recommend The Cambridge Introduction to Virginia Woolf by Jane Goldman. It’s very recent, and she is very smart. The book covers the life, work, contexts, and critical reception. Her lists of recommended articles for further reading are impeccable, and the last section offers a really useful history of trends in Woolf criticism. (The book is $25 on Amazon, but I see lots of remaindered copies available for $3+ shipping.) 

If you want to go the whole hog/ total immersion route, I’ suggest Hermione Lee’s magisterial, definitive biography. It’s very long and probably more than you’d ever want to know, but it’s awfully good. I am re-reading it right now and am amazed at how she manages to weave in every single important passage from the diaries and letters etc. It has lovely chapters on Woolf’s relationships with other important Modernists such as Katherine Mansfield and T.S. Eliot.
I haven’t yet decided exactly what the course assignments will be. I know you’ll have a final seminar paper (8-12 pp), a shortened version of which you’ll deliver at a class mini-conference during our regular final exam slot. I also think I’ll ask you to do a page per class day in a blog, so that I can see you are doing the reading, and so you have a chance to write about what interests you. I’d also like to assign a visual journal/altered book, a more visually creative kind of reading journal that’s been very successful in the past. I’m still trying to decide how to introduce some requirement for you to occasionally read a critical essay or two. And I’d like to be giving you some sustained feedback on your writing. However, I want the main focus of the seminar to be READING and discussing Woolf, so I am trying to find ways to make sure there aren’t too many assignments.
I’m really looking forward to teaching this class. It’s the first time I’ve been able to teach a whole course on Virginia Woolf. I’m currently working on a book about parks, gardens, and flowers in Woolf’s life and work and will probably be blogging along with you on my own Woolf track.
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